Disney+ is coming, how does this affect marketing?

Last updated: 09 August 2020
With the Disney+ video streaming service landing on Australian shores November 19, Netflix is going to have its biggest rival ever.
Disney is the true giant of the entertainment industry. In recent years, Disney has acquired studios like Marvel, LucasFilm and the vast wealth of content that comes with them. Disney is primed to flex its muscles and create an extensive service for blockbusters like The Avengers, Star Wars and more. This will likely increase big-budget productions on other streaming services in order to keep audiences subscribed.
With all of these services available in the market, the consumer choice has become overwhelming. What does this mean for online marketing and is there any way to capitalise on these new technologies?
The Cisco data forecast index shows the fastest growth consuming internet traffic is video streaming and mobile streaming taking the lead with the most growth. Of course, this can be attributed to the increase in monthly data plans but also new technologies like 4G and 5G mobile internet.
This clearly points to the importance of video when advertising but how can “Joe Bloggs Plumbing Service" take advantage of these new technologies?
Although Netflix does not offer in streaming advertising there are services out there that do. Disney+ is likely to be packaged with Hulu, a streaming service that offers the latest movies and TV shows but with ads.
Catchup TV services like SBS On Demand also offer ads but it’s completely free to sign up. A large portion of streaming takes place on social media, live stream, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube which all offer in-streaming advertising.
Let’s take a look at Joe Bloggs Plumbing Services and how he can advertise directly to his potential clientele. Direct marketing is extremely effective in this day and age thanks to the metadata that providers like Google and Facebook keep on everyone.
Joe can blanket market to people in his local area on traditional TV or Radio but could Joe directly market to someone that requires plumbing in his local area? Yes! Magic? Nope, metadata and a prime example of this is YouTube.
If you have a leaky pipe, maybe you want to try fixing it yourself but don’t know-how. Google it, look it up on YouTube and find a guide that shows you what to do. Stats show that how-to videos gain the most organic growth because people want to solve a problem. We also know that YouTube has grown to be the second most used search engine, right behind Google, but dedicated to video.
This is where Joe can capitalise, setting up direct marketing on YouTube with Google Video Ads, and advertise to potential customers in his area that are viewing how-to plumbing videos. There are over 30 million unique Australian visitors to Facebook, YouTube and Instagram every month and the ROI is high.
Of course, a similar scenario can be reproduced with streaming services like Hulu and SBS On Demand. According to the SBS Media website “Advertisers can also choose to deliver ads by platform, genre of content, demographic, program, movie genre, movie collection, geographical state and time.” Although this is not as precise as advertising on social media it is better targeted to interests, age and location compared to broadcast TV.
With the diminishing viewership on broadcast TV and Foxtel, it is essential to utilise advertising options available on social media and streaming services. Although there are no current opportunities to advertise on Netflix and Disney+ there are plenty of options on the market today that will effectively reach your customers.
If you are interested in video marketing or need an advert created but don’t know where to start contact us for a chat.