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Digital creative advertising - choose Refuel

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Looking for digital advertising support? The team at Refuel Creative is a leader in digital advertising in Australia. We’re here to help you deploy a results-focused, data-driven digital advertising strategy to hit your business’ targets.

In addition to being a Google Ads agency partner, we’ve partnered with Bing to ensure that your digital advertising works across a wide range of channels to reach your target audience and grow your customer base.

Pay-per-click advertising is becoming increasingly necessary for all businesses, so you’ll need a data-driven PPC campaign from a tried and tested PPC agency.

Advertising has changed

We’re truly living in the Information Age. Over the past ten years, the dominance of print, radio, and television advertising has been shaken by the impact of digital advertising on platforms such as Google and Facebook.

In the past, you had to rely on a TV advert or a well-placed print advert to get your business seen by the masses. Even then, there was no guarantee that your intended audience would actually see your advertisement.

While the Information Age, powered by the internet, has changed the way people interact with adverts, it hasn’t changed the fundamentals of advertising.

What has changed is how you need to approach and interact with potential customers to bring about the desired outcome. In order to cut through the noise, you need an agency that’s current, relevant and strategic.

You need an advertising partner that can do more than just create a great campaign. They need to know how to target your ideal customer and re-target them when they’re primed and ready to buy.

Advertising will always come down to three things: Visibility, Desirability & Differentiation.

The power of digital advertising

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Today, search engine and social media advertising allows you to focus your adverts on those in your target audience.

With a data-driven approach to advertising, you can maximise your ROI by only targeting those people likely to be interested in your product or service. This means that when someone Googles ‘Liverpool FC shirts’ your business will appear at the top of search in a Google Ad or only appear to Liverpool fans on social media. If you were selling Liverpool FC shirts, there’s no need for Manchester United fans to see your advert.

Using the correct data and a considered strategy, you can:

| Increase conversions
| Take leads form your competitors
| Increase your ROI


Why bother with PPC ads?

Marketers across the world are using paid advertising with Google, Bing, and Facebook to reach their target audience and increase their sales.
The impressive stats for PPC advertising speaks for itself:

Paid advertising has an average ROI of 200%

Ads boost brand awareness by 80% on average

9.2% of Facebook ads convert, making it the most effective converting platform

A data-driven, proactive strategy

Despite the vast differences between traditional and digital advertising, many clients are still trapped in the traditional advertising mindset of ‘buying a spot’ on a website.

With our digital ad strategy, we only show ads to the right people in the places they’re currently looking.

We dive deep into the data to find out where your target audience is looking, and we target here; if your target customers are looking on Google, we target here; if your target audience is looking on social media, we target here.

We don’t just throw a net of ads into a sea of customers, we focus our ads across Search Ads, Display Ads, Shopping Ads, Video, and Socials to reach your target audience.

We’ll work with you to develop a results-first strategy that’s built for the strengths of your business:

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Despite the vast differences between traditional and digital advertising, many clients are still trapped in the traditional advertising mindset of ‘buying a spot’ on a website.

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Once we’ve crunched the numbers, we’ll begin drawing up a PPC plan built to hit your goals.

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We deploy your advertising campaigns and constantly monitor their performance. We will test and proactively change your campaigns to ensure continued success.

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As we get more feedback on the successes of your ad campaigns, we can begin to fine tune your ads according to targeting, copy, and placement so you see a consistent, gradual increase in your results.

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Search engine advertising

As a Google Ads partner, we’re here to help you get the best out of your search engine advertising investment.

When people have a problem today, they Google it. So, getting your business as high as possible in search engine results is a crucial aspect of any modern marketing strategy.

However, simply posting paid ads on search engines isn’t enough to get clicks on your ad. You need to manage your Google Ads account to make sure your ad spend is optimised and your ads are targeting the right people.

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Social media advertising

Social media has become a behemoth in modern marketing, so it’s crucial that your business is on top of this marketing channel with strategic social media ads.

While organic social media remains important, social media account management sometimes requires paid ads to give your business the edge over your competitors.

Social media ads allow marketers to target your ideal customers through their interests. This allows you to reach out to people likely to be interested in your product based on their likes and so on.


Why Refuel?

As Google and Bing partners, we are well positioned to bring you the strategy you need to smash your goals.

With a team of experienced digital advertising strategists, copywriters, and graphic designers, our Refuel team is ready and waiting to deploy the results-focused strategy you need to achieve your goals.

We don’t just talk a big game, we have a proven track record of success across a wide range of industries, from small and large businesses to not for profits:

Our Clients
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RSPCA South Australia Logo White
Adelaide Airport Logo White

Our PPC team will work with you to develop a data-driven, winning strategy. We’ll crunch the numbers to use the right channels for your business so that the right people see the right ads.

We’ll work with you to identify the right target audience, so you aren’t wasting time or money on those not likely to convert.

With a tried and tested, data-driven approach to our PPC campaigns, we take the guesswork and mysticism out of advertising to give you the platform you need to get the best return on your investment.

The marketing team you want to work with

At Refuel, we don’t just want to get your business results - we want you to enjoy working with us.

Our team is as passionate about your success as you are. We’ll stop at nothing to make sure you have all the tools and strategy you need to get results.

But don’t just take our word for it, check out what our PPC clients are saying about us:


"Going with Refuel for our digital needs has been great. Setting up processes properly and being able to report allows us to target better and begin hitting out KPIs."
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Marcel Donnelly
CEO | FlatRateNOW

Ready to Refuel your PPC advertising?

We’re a leading Google Ads digital marketing agency and we’re ready to help you get the conversion rates and return on investment your business needs.

We’ve helped a range of industries across the world find success with PPC management and data-driven Google Ads campaigns, are you ready to join them?

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